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Northern California Pediatric Hospital Medicine Consortium
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Prior sepsis screening guidelines:
CDC 2002 Guidelines
CDC/COFN/AAP 2010-2012 Guidelines
Limitations of CDC/AAP/COFN 2010 guidelines:
Definition of chorioamnionitis is subiective
CDC risk groups don't adequately segregate risk of sepsis
No specification of severity/duration of clinical signs of illness that should lead to EOS evaluation
No specification of how to interpret recommended laboratory tests
Inclusion criteria: Infants born at ?34 weeks GA
Kaiser Newborn Sepsis Calculator, 2015 (APPENDIX 1):
Interactive online tool based on a validated prediction rule to calculate the probability of EOS in infants ? 34wks GA using specified maternal risk factors and the infant's clinical status. Calculator provides a basic clinical recommendation for management based on calculated risk (RED, YELLOW, GREEN). NOTE: clinical status classification and management recommendations are based on expert consensus since strong evidence-based guidelines are lacking.
Formatted for computers: -
Formatted for handheld devices:
Clarifying notes for use of Kaiser Sepsis Calculator:
Screening logistics:
Criteria for screening:
Risk factors for EOS:
Gestational age <37wks
Prolonged ROM (? 18 hours)
Maternal fever or chorioamnionitis
Maternal GBS+
Need for resuscitation / signs of clinical illness at birth
Consider for vital sign or clinical exam abnormalities in the first 12 hours after birth
Timing of screening:
First hour for infants with EOS risk factors
When abnormal vital signs / clinical symptoms are detected in the first 12 hours after birth
NOTE: At risk infants should have clinical reassessment performed and documented frequently in the first 4-6 hours of life because classification of clinical status and management recommendations may change
Sepsis calculator screening may be performed by either clinician or nursing staff
Baseline Incidence of EOS:
Use institution-specific data for baseline EOS incidence if available
Evidence-based options:
Kaiser 0.3/1000 - closed healthcare system, unique population, (appropriate for NCNC hospitals)
CDC 0.5/1000 - national incidence
If institution-specific data unavailable, use the most conservative evidence-based incidence (CDC national incidence = 0.5/1000 live births) since patient population/demographics, access to prenatal care, and other factors that affect neonatal sepsis vary from site-to-site
Neonatal Reassessment:
Clinical reassessment of infant in first 4-6 hours after birth is crucial / may move risk stratification category and change recommended management in Newborn Sepsis Calculator
Clinical reassessment (by MD or RN) of high risk or symptomatic infants should be documented frequently in the first 4-6 hours after birth
Alternative Diagnoses:
Consider relative likelihood of alternative diagnoses that increase/decrease risk for sepsis when risk stratifying symptomatic infants and determining clinical management
Suspect transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) in infants with few or no risk factors for infection (sepsis risk at birth <0.3/1000), mild to moderate respiratory distress, and risk factors for TTN including delivery after short or no labor. If TTN is the top differential diagnosis, use clinical judgment when interpreting Newborn Sepsis Calculator recommendations and determining management. Frequent reevaluation of clinical status is warranted to confirm diagnosis or change management.
Additional Factors in Clinical Presentation Classification (APPENDIX 2):
To supplement the "clinical presentation classification" table in the Sepsis Calculator, the following additional signs/symptoms of clinical illness may be considered for individualized decision-making but are not validated characteristics in the Sepsis Calculator model:
Lethargy - abnormal or change in mental status / activity level
Apnea - recurrent/persistent, requiring stimulation, in first hours after birth
Metabolic acidosis on newborn blood gas (base excess <-8)
Worsening base deficit/pH compared with cord blood gas
Persistent abnormality on newborn blood gases over 4-6 hours
Babies who are 34+0 to 34+6/7 weeks GA who had maternal cervical incompetence, preterm labor, PROM, clinical concern for IAI(intra-amniotic infection), or acute onset of unexplained non-reassuring fetal status are at highest risk for EOS. These infants should have a blood culture regardless of Kaiser calculator score and an appropriately-timed CBC should be considered. Strongly consider empiric antibiotics based on Kaiser calculated risk, the clinical appearance of the infant, and CBC results if obtained.
Clinical exam:
"Clinical presentation classification" table categorizes at risk neonates (APPENDIX 2):
Clinical Illness -* additional signs/symptoms to consider
Well Appearing
NOTE: at risk infants should be reevaluated frequently with documentation of status in the first 4-6 hours after birth as classification of clinical presentation and management recommendations may change
Vital Signs & Observation Period:
Follow Sepsis Calculator "clinical recommendation" based on risk stratification:
- If recommendation is "no additional care" for infant with any risk factors:
Routine well newborn vital signs per institution protocol
Observation period of 24-48 hours depending on clinical scenario
If recommendation is for increased level of monitoring / observation:
Vital signs Q4 hours x 24 hours
Vital signs per NICU protocol if infant admitted to NICU
Observation period of 24-48 hours depending on clinical scenario
Laboratory studies:
Blood Culture:
Follow Sepsis Calculator "clinical recommendation" except in 34+0/7 to 34+6/7 week infants as above
Site: sterile peripheral draw or newly placed umbilical catheter
Blood volume: 1 mL or greater
Prior to initiation of antibiotics
Impact on management:
Pediatric Infectious Disease consultation recommended
If positive and infant is receiving antibiotics > consider time to positivity and identified organism to determine likelihood of true pathogen versus contaminant (see APPENDIX 3 for common neonatal pathogens)
If suspected pathogen: Attempt lumbar puncture (LP) continue antibiotics for appropriate treatment course
Consider repeat blood culture at 48-72 hours of treatment to confirm clearance
If suspected contaminant: repeat blood culture, re-evaluate infant's clinical status, continue antibiotics until organism speciation complete and proven negative follow-up culture x 24 hours
If negative and infant is receiving antibiotics > determine duration of antibiotic therapy based on other maternal / perinatal risk factors, clinical status, and laboratory indices (see recommendations below)
If negative and infant is not receiving antibiotics 7
Asymptomatic infants may be discharged from hospital once blood culture is negative for <24 hours
Symptomatic infants should have clinical status classification reviewed for revised recommendations or consider alternative diagnoses
WBC, I/T ratio, and ANC are not sensitive predictors for EOS
While CBC is not a useful tool in determining the presence or absence of EOS, it may be a useful diagnostic instrument for determining the underlying cause of clinical illness
Consult neonatology for markedly abnormal CBC results
Obtain CBC at the same time as blood culture
Draw CBC with blood culture <4 hours of age if empiric antibiotics will be started based upon clinical status of infant
Wait until ?4 hours if clinically appropriate / stable infant
Consider obtaining CRPs in infants receiving empiric antibiotics
NOT useful as a metric for determining whether or not to initiate empiric antibiotics
Consider obtaining 12 and 36hrs of age for infants on antibiotics
0 and 24hrs relative to initiation of sepsis evaluation if evaluation is initiated later due to change in clinical status / risk factors remote from birth
Good negative predictive value for two negative / low CRPs, but poor positive predictive value for elevated CRPs
Impact on management:
Two negative / low or decreasing CRPs and asymptomatic infant OR improving clinical course > stop empiric antibiotics
Elevated or increasing CRPs > DO NOT use as a sole reason to continue antibiotic therapy; use other laboratory and clinical factors to determine whether to continue or stop empiric antibiotics
Lumbar puncture (LP):
Infants in CLINICAL ILLNESS zone with neurologic symptoms (e.g. mental status changes, seizures, apnea in term infant, fever or hypothermia, hypotonia, bulging fontanelle)
Infants with blood culture positive for pathogen (see APPENDIX 3)
Consider LP in infants with negative blood culture but who are receiving empiric antibiotic course for sepsis
NOTE: LP should only be performed in infants whose clinical condition can tolerate procedure
Pre-antibiotics: infants in "clinical illness" zone with neurologic symptoms
Post-antibiotics (ASAP): infants with blood culture positive for pathogen
Impact on management:
Abnormal CF findings may increase recommended duration of antibiotic treatment, and impact monitoring for complications as well as long-term prognosis
Consider pediatric infectious disease consult for guidance
Treatment duration:
Rule-out sepsis
NOTE: Timing is based on incubation time of blood culture, not number of doses of antibiotics
Stop antibiotics at 24 hours following blood culture receipt by lab if asymptomatic infant, negative blood culture, and/or normal / low CRP (if sent). Do NOT give antibiotic doses at the 24 hour time point if culture remains negative.
NOTE: Infant should not be discharged from hospital until at least 36-48 hours after birth
Stop antibiotics at 48 hours if negative blood culture, persistent respiratory symptoms with no apparent source of infection (e.g. no pneumonia), and/or normal / low CRP x 2 (if sent)
In the case of an initial abnormal but non-specific CXR, if the infant's respiratory symptoms have completely resolved by 24-48 hours, the likelihood of bacterial infection is low.
Little utility of repeat CXR
Antibiotics should be discontinued at this point
Empiric treatment course (culture negative but significant clinical illness consistent with infection)
Generally seven days but no strong evidence for guidance
Longer duration of antibiotics is warranted for infants with concern for / confirmed CNS involvement
Consider lumbar puncture; discuss with medical team and family
Culture positive treatment course
Recommend pediatric infectious disease consult
Antibiotic choice:
Ampicillin & Gentamicin
Identified organism:
Modify antibiotic coverage based on final culture results; consult pediatric infectious disease
Gram negative organism > switch to Ceftazidime (or appropriate narrow spectrum sensitive antibiotic and discontinue Ampicillin and Gentamicin)
APPENDIX 1: Kaiser Newborn Sepsis Calculator screen shots, 2015
APPENDIX 2: Classification of Infant's Clinical Presentation. (Adapted from Kaiser Sepsis Calculator)
NOTE: at risk infants should have clinical reassessment performed and documented frequently in the first 4-6 hours of life as classification may change
APPENDIX 3: Common Pathogens in Neonatal EOS,2019.
NOTE: Determination of suspected contaminant versus pathogen should take into account the organism isolated and also the circumstances of isolation (site, technique, etc)
NOTE: The most common contaminants in peripheral blood culture are skin flora (Coagulase negative Staphylococcus) and Viridans group streptococci
Gram Positive Bacillus:
Listeria monocytogenes
Gram Positive Cocci:
Staphylococcus aureus
MRSA (methicillin resistant)
Beta Hemolytic streptococci
Group A Streptococcus
Streptococcus pyogenes
Group B Streptococcus (GBS)
Streptococcus agalactiae
Streptococcus bovis
Streptococcus mitis
Enterococcus faecalis
Enterococcus faecium
Gram Negative Bacilli:
Escherichia coli
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Klebsiella oxytoca
Enterobacter cloacae
Gram Negative Coccobacillus:
Haemophilus influenzae
Candida albicans
Candida parapsilosis
NOTE: All common contaminant organisms may be pathogenic under the right circumstances (i.e. prematurity, central line, >1 positive blood culture); Pediatric Infectious Disease consultation recommended
Gram Positive Bacillus:
Gram Positive Cocci:
Coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CoNS)
S. epidermidis
S. hominis
Viridans group, Alpha-hemolytic streptococci
S. mutans
S. mitis
S. salivarius
Benitz WE, et al. 2015. Reappraisal of Guidelines for Management of Neonates with Suspected Early-Onset Sepsis. J Peds. 166,4: 1070-1074
Brady MT, et al. 2013. Prevention and Management of Infants with Suspected or Proven Neonatal Sepsis. Pediatrics. 132: 166-168.
Escobar GJ, et al. 2014. Stratification of Risk of Early-Onset Sepsis in Newborns > 34 Weeks' Gestation. Pediatrics. 133: 30-36.
Hornick CP, et al. 2012. Use of the Complete Blood Cell Count in Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 31: 799-802.
Kuzniewicz M. An Evidence Based Approach to Early Onset Sepsis (EOS) and the EOS Calculator. Presentation, UCSF NCNC Meeting. UCSF. October 28, 2014.
Newman T. Interpreting CBCs in Term and Late Preterm Infants at Risk for Early Onset Sepsis. Presentation, UCSF NCNC Meeting. UCSF. February 24, 2015.
Newman TB, et al. 2010. Interpreting Complete Blood Counts Soon After Birth in Newborns at Risk for Sepsis. Pediatrics. 126: 903-9.
Newman TB, et al. 2014. Combining Immature and Total Neutrophil Counts to Predict Early Onset Sepsis in Term and Late Preterm Newborns: Use of the V/T2. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 33,8: 798-802.
Polin RA & COFN. 2012. Management of Neonates with Suspected or Proven Early-Onset Bacterial Sepsis. Pediatrics. 129: 1006-15.
Puopolo KM, et al. 2011. Estimating the Probability of Neonatal Early-Onset Infection on the Basis of Maternal Risk Factors. Pediatrics. 128: e1155-63.
Verani J, et al. 2010. Prevention of Perinatal Group B Streptococcal Disease. Revised Guidelines from CDC, 2010. MMWR 59, RR-10
Puopolo KM, et al. 2018. Management of Neonates Born at ? 35 0/7 Weeks' Gestation With Suspected or Proven Early-Onset Bacterial Sepsis. Pediatrics 142: e20182894
Puopolo KM, et al. 2018. Management of Neonates Born at ?= 34 6/7 Weeks' Gestation With Suspected or Proven Early-Onset Bacterial Sepsis. Pediatrics 142: e20182894