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Delving Into DNA: When and How to Use Genetic Testing in Primary Care Video

Delving Into DNA: When and How to Use Genetic Testing in Primary Care

Whether planning a biological family or worried about familial cancers, patients have questions about genetic testing, and geneticist Robert Wallerstein, MD, MS, has guidance for clinicians trying to give them useful answers.
Close to the Bone: Why Clinicians Should Focus on Pediatric Skeletal Health Video

Close to the Bone: Why Clinicians Should Focus on Pediatric Skeletal Health

Pediatrician and sports medicine specialist Celina De Borja, MD, paints the big picture of why strong bones are essential to overall wellness and explains how providers can efficiently assess and address their patients’ risk factors.
Adaptive Sports Medicine Video

Adaptive Sports Medicine

Dr. Taron Davis presents "Adaptive Sports Medicine" at the UCSF Pediatric Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Conference 2023 in Berkeley, CA.
Ground Reaction Force: Common Overuse Injuries in Running Athletes Video

Ground Reaction Force: Common Overuse Injuries in Running Athletes

Dr. Rhonda Watkins presents "Common Overuse Injuries in Running Athletes (Patellofemoral Pain, IT Band Friction, Shin Splints, Stress Fractures)" at the UCSF Pediatric Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Conference 2023 in Berkeley, CA.
Clubfoot Video


Dr. Coleen Sabatini presents "Clubfoot" at the UCSF Pediatric Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Conference 2023 in Berkeley, CA.
Indications for Botox Injections in Pediatric Upper and Lower Extremity Conditions Video

Indications for Botox Injections in Pediatric Upper and Lower Extremity Conditions

Dr. Kathryn Sigford presents "Indications for Botox Injections in Pediatric Upper and Lower Extremity Conditions" at the UCSF Pediatric Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Conference 2023 in Berkeley, CA.
Best Foot Forward: Common Foot and Ankle Injuries in Adolescent Athletes Video

Best Foot Forward: Common Foot and Ankle Injuries in Adolescent Athletes

Dr. Daniel Thuillier presents "Best Foot Forward: Common Foot and Ankle Injuries in Adolescent Athletes" at the UCSF Pediatric Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Conference 2023 in Berkeley, CA.
Pediatric Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Conference 2023 Symposium

Pediatric Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Conference 2023

This series aims to provide an overview of pediatric musculoskeletal conditions and sports-related injuries that are commonly encountered by pediatric healthcare providers.
Updates in Pediatric Sport Related Concussions Video

Updates in Pediatric Sport Related Concussions

Dr. Ryan Wei presents "Updates in Pediatric Sport Related Concussions" at the UCSF Pediatric Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Conference 2023 in Berkeley, CA.
Case Presentations – Lower Limb Differences Video

Case Presentations – Lower Limb Differences

A panel discusses "Case Presentations – Lower Limb Differences" at the UCSF Pediatric Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Conference 2023 in Berkeley, CA.
Approach to Delayed Walking Video

Approach to Delayed Walking

Dr. Yumi Mitsuya presents "Approach to Delayed Walking" at the UCSF Pediatric Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Conference 2023 in Berkeley, CA.
Use of Motion Analysis in Returning to Sport from Lower Extremity Injuries Video

Use of Motion Analysis in Returning to Sport from Lower Extremity Injuries

Ariana Gomez presents "Moving on Up: Use of Motion Analysis in Returning to Sport from Lower Extremity Injuries" at the UCSF Pediatric Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine Conference 2023 in Berkeley, CA.

Showing 25 - 36 of 169 results

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